jeudi 13 août 2020

It's over, we're done

From another forum...

Grlzrl writes:

This country is done. I am sorry but that's what I believe. They have control of the schools, the universities, the media and at some point, they will have the government again, whether now or in 2024. If they don't get what they want, they riot and loot, or are violent to people that disagree with them. They dox you, attack your character, try to ruin your career and your life. (And have succeeded). Freedom of speech is no longer a thing. Police are being defunded. Just face it. They won.


Can't argue with Grlzrl. Makes a good point. And it is even a little worse than that. Do a crime and get no time with dem controlled cites and states. But if rep steps out of line...head to prison with no mercy. And this is with guns. What will dem rule be like if everyone cucked out and turned in their guns when the dems outlawed them?

But all that may be the least of our problems if the unemployed millions become homeless roving zombies. Reps have always seemed to go along to get along. Then one day you find out you are sunk.

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It's over, we're done

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