lundi 17 août 2020

Mail in voting and fraud

Default Mail in voting and fraud

I believe it was Stalin who said "it is not who votes that matters , it's who counts the votes that matters ". Lets say I use the option to vote by mail . Is my vote counted -by who ? -and put into a big pile of like manner votes , And is that total sent somewhere - to the vote counters who are ? . Is this done only once or at intervills as the votes come in . If it is one big total -are the names of these mail in voters sent to their polling place so that the registars at the polls will know you have voted by mail . If I then show up to vote at my polling place and they DO NOT KNOW I voted by mail , I could then vote a second time . This whole process looks like doomed from the start FUBAR scam .

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Mail in voting and fraud

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