dimanche 16 août 2020

Recent coronavirus developments are not encouraging

This is from a left run forum that banned me, so I don't give them any traffic. I didn't read the stories at the links nor research them. I'm only passing them on...so you check it out as it interests you.

The comments below with the links are of the author of the original post and not mine.

We have been so busy with the internal mess we got in the USA that some of us may have forgotten about the corrosive virus.


The virus is now surging again across Europe, including countries which thought they were on the other side of this after their lockdowns. What now?


Science is now saying 16 feet may be what is needed for safe distance, not just 6 feet. I can't see how this can work for some businesses.


The virus has resurfaced and doubled in the last two weeks in France. Biggest spread since April. It's about to get out of control again.


Science now saying the virus may never go away. How will this affect the strategy of isolation?


The resurgent virus spread across Europe is linked to young people. Reminds me of the USA.


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Recent coronavirus developments are not encouraging

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