lundi 17 août 2020

Setting up a bugout location


I don't want to automatically assume you would rather die than go back to your ghulag expereince.
Honestly, no....but I would do a lot of other things first to avoid ending up off grid in muskeg.

An inch of soil on rock is better than what I had around my cabin.

Muskeg is usually like living ontop of a pile of wet mattresses.

Wet mattresses packed with unimaginable quantities of mosquitoes.

And when its stays hot. At least in MT if its 90 during the day its usually 60 at night. When I was in alaska if it was 80º*during the was 80º*all night.

So first things I would have to have if I was going back and trying to off grid would be mosquito proof tenting, clothing, and spray because the bugs are terrible.

You will want some kind of boat. The only reasonably good way to move is on the water...until it freezes and you need a sled. Inflatable, folding kayak, something.

The no heat thing at -20º going to be really miserable. And seems unnecessary unless there is something I am missing. Folding tent stove and ways to cut firewood would seem a no-brainer.

Really, its just general survival stuff except the ground is always soft and wet, and there are always bugs...until the first frost.

A few pics of where I was:


Same place Fall.


Same place, winter.

The neighbors.

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Setting up a bugout location

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