mardi 18 août 2020

When Democracy is code for Progressivism

Often in English words have obvious meanings but when you add groups with extreme agendas, those same words gain new, unassociated meanings. Traditioally, this concept was coined Orwellian after George Orwells book, 1984, wherein versions of this practice was called doublespeak. Today, an extremist minority within one of the national political parties has begun to practice doublespeak on a variety of words to redefine thier common meanings with thier extremist interpretations. Freedom becomes dictatorship, choice becomes authoritarianism, justice becomes extortion, diversity becomes racism. It all lives under the umbrella of progressivism, which itself is pretending to be democracy.

The ironic element is that democracy is all about having choices whereas in progressivism, there are not choices but plenty of punishment if you dare to make a choice....

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When Democracy is code for Progressivism

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