samedi 1 août 2020

Wouldn't life be easier and calmer if we just gave in to the left?

From another forum....(they banned me twice, so I don't advertise their name for more traffic. Second ban was after I made 2 posts! I figured the lefty run forum is not for me.)

Getting to the subject there...

"I mean really. They are just never happy, completely miserable and without the ability to get beyond their group think. They do not believe in diversity of thought, will never be open to calm discussion and want 100% of everything their way without compromise. I have purchased my big land and home out in the country. I am withdrawing from the game and just going to live out the rest of my life in peace, happiness and calm. Why bother to try to reason with them anymore? Aren't you all tired of it by now?

They win in the end, because nothing beats free stuff and a government to make decision for you. As soon as anyone talks about acting responsibly and fiscally prudent, they get labeled as cruel & heartless. The Republican party sold out a long time ago, as soon as they had their spines removed. Face it. It's over. The only course of action to take now is to make the best of your own life, get the heck away from the loons and watch the demise from a distance."

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Wouldn't life be easier and calmer if we just gave in to the left?

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