mercredi 18 mai 2016

Is racism bad?


Originally Posted by tedlovesjeeps71 View Post

I'm tenitive about posting this question as a discussion as it often seems to be as volatile a subject as some we don't discuss. I'll hope the MODs will watch over this and squash it if it goes to far astray.
My thought for creating this discussion is due to the sheer quantity of racial related (or at least labeled as such) events, groups, and agendas proliferating society today. I realize aspects of "racism" date back through all man's history, in various methods and/or perceptions. It's hardly a new idea.
But is it something which can actually be eliminated? Should it be?
I'm sure many here who are far deeper thinkers than I can offer better insight to this age old human nature.

In-grouo preference is a crucial civilizing factor. Without it, the basic premise that civilization has an advantage over nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles can't be established, as there is nothing exclusive to protect with the ensuing stability. In the United States, the In-group preference, on the national level, has traditionally been cultural. But in recent decades, with the non-assimilation of immigration minorities and the emergence of whackadoodles like gays and transsexuals demanding acceptance, the In-group preferences have fractional iced along racial, ethnic, and political lines.

From that perspective, racism is the In-group preference that will define the capacity of Americans to maintain civilization. And that is never a good prospect.

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Is racism bad?

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