mardi 17 mai 2016

License plate search

Does anyone have access to a site to look up license plates similar to a reverse phone number lookup? Would appreciate a favor.

Had a strange encounter that raised the hair on the back of mine and mrs beaner necks. So an old pos ford suv flys into the driveway and two guys get out and start shouting something and frantically ringing the doorbell. They were dresses oddly and looked a little off. Dog goes crazy barking, and I grab a pistol and crack open the door. They call me by a title that few outside of work know (not even the neighbors) and act overly familiar (similar to how a bad car salesman acts). They had an obvious BS story and said they are visiting all the neighbors. As for the work reference, just some occasional mail would have it. I told them they had the wrong house and not to come back. About that time they happened to notice the pistol and quickly left. They drove past a neighbor to get to my house and then didn't stop at any others. It isn't the first time over the years that I've been a little suspicious with someone at the door but this is the strongest gut feeling that something is wrong. The title part made it feel like they weren't casing the house as much as but the beaners ourselves.

Have never seen the vehicle before but got a few pics to include a descriptive decal and the license plate. Also wrote the two guys descriptions down for future reference if needed. Wife called the police to report and to see if others had called about them. So back to the purpose of the post, does anyone have access to a reverse license plate lookup that wouldn't mind researching?

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License plate search

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