lundi 2 mai 2016

not again! (ankle)

so last year at the end of july i really messed up my ankle pretty bad, rolled it coming off off a step with all my weight plus the momentum of coming down and well, it sounded like breaking chicken bones.. wasnt the bones though but the tendons/ligaments in the ankle.. took me about 8 months before i could actually walk normally again.. and all seem fined until...

tonight.. my damn dog REALLY had to go to the bathroom so she took off before i could get her leash on.. going after her in the middle of the night and coming off my porch, i rolled my damn ankle, the same one, the same way yet again.. and guess what i hear?.. yeah.. the familiar snap, crackle and pop.. so i fear im going to be looking at another 8 frickin months AGAIN.. so im ****ed.. thankfully what i do for work i do not need my ankle (CAD/solid modeling type of stuff at a computer) so this doesnt disadvantage me in that way.. but it has me thinking

what if this were to happen while i didnt have the luxury of being able to remain stationary?.. thankfully i have tall boots i can tie up pretty tight to give my ankle enough support that i can limp around on it, but i will not be able to pivot, push off, or run in this situation and would be restricted entirely to a brace, tight boots, and a crutch

any advice as to how i should prepare around and for such an injury? or a couple of my other lingering injuries?.. i have a bad knee (left) as well and cannot carry too much weight before it begins to stiffen and lock up.. and a neck injury from falling down a flight of stairs head first that has left me with a limited range and the constant sensation of a stiff neck which may require surgery at some point

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not again! (ankle)

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