dimanche 22 mai 2016

Probably getting Katahdin Sheep and an Ass

The right half of 4 sheep anyway...

Long story short, I went to pick up milk from my milk guy and dropped off some greens with the neighbors.
I then ended up helping them in their garden all afternoon.

We got to talking, we've discussed getting some goats and sharing them between us (clearing brush primarely, increase and meat secondary) and a friend of mine is looking to get rid of 4 unpapered Katahdin Sheep (ram, and 2 unrelated ewes, and male lamb born in Feb.) I called her, and she'll take $500.
That's about $120 more than similar scrub goats, and I know these sheep, they are nice and fat. (Hair sheep breed for meat stock)
She just has WAAAY too many animals. She's been saying she needed to get rid of some for the last year+.

Katahdin Sheep eat brush much like goats, although they will eat grass (which my neighbors have) and are very hearty... for sheep. Which isn't saying much.

Once the wife found out sheep milk makes superior soap to goat she was all in. I think I'm going to go in halves with them (hece the joke about I owning the right half) Honestly I'm more interested in the community building than the product, but it could work (they want to build up the flock.)
-be selling off the males, I want to "sacrifice a sheep" (more community building...) at least once...

Best thing, they were concerned I'd have an issue because they wanted them most of the time...PERFECT!

This made way for something I'm MORE interested in, and have posted about before.
I'd rather a donkey than a dog, (i have bear snd cayoties)and if I get a donkey I'd rather spend a few hundred dollars more and get a mammoth, and either spend yet MORE to get one trained, or get hooked up with a trainer. (I've already got a lead I'm pursueing.)

My issue has always been as Single homesteader.... particularly thanksgiving to Christmas when I'm visiting family etc.

They are interested (they have kids) in being involved if I buy one (think I'm looking at $400-$900 looking at the market.) I'd like to mainly have/make one trained to pull, but if it'll let me sit on it while it walks that'll do. (With my spine we aren't doing faster...)
-now I just need some overalls, I have a straw hat around here somewhere...

I'm also going to talk to another neighbor tomorrow about his pasture as a 3rd backup for my ass. He may not think I walk on water, but he atleast thinks I can turn water into grape juce, so I forsee no issues. (I make it a practice of being very good to my neighbors)

Added possibility, a very good friend of my neighbors who lives about 7 miles away is very interested in having a good jack cover his mares, so we will talk to him as I KNOW he knows more than me.
Collectively we might not screw this up.

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Probably getting Katahdin Sheep and an Ass

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