dimanche 1 mai 2016

raising a baby chick for a pet?

Before anyone says it,I know about the search function,but there were over 300 hits.

My little grandson came home last night from a birthday party with 2 baby chicks.Don't know what the parents were smoking when they thought up the idea to send every kid home with a pair,but it must have been some good chit.

So now I've got to search the net to figure out how to keep them alive,but I need some help to know what to search for.Basics of food/water shelter.

All I know is they are tiny but with feathers,1 black,1 yellow,and chirped and pooped last night.
No clue about the age,breed ,sex..nuttin!

Right now there are just in a shoebox with a towel-not looking to break the bank or become the next Tyson-but would be nice to keep them alive till grandson loses intrest.

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raising a baby chick for a pet?

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