jeudi 19 mai 2016

The definition of "stupid"

IIRC, Albert Einstein said that the definition of stupidity was repeatedly doing the same thing, and expecting different results (and obviously, a case can be made there).
But I submit that an entirely NEW standard for stupidity has been established, by one Daniel Craig (AKA James Bond), who reportedly has turned down $100,000,000 (to be clear, that's ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!) to play the iconic role of James Bond in another film.
Now, I have my own standards, (as I'm sure, do most of you),and there are many things that I simply will not do for mere money,regardless of the amount.
But we're talking about a friggin' MOVIE here !!!! This isn't mowing down innocent refugee children with an AK47, this is merely entertainment, his chosen avocation. How can you be so prissy as to walk away from THAT?
I mean............WTF............................... ......right???

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The definition of "stupid"

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