mardi 24 mai 2016

What do you know of Ambit Energy Consultants/Energy Company?

I owed a guy $50, he told me if I listened to his proposition and think about it he'd call it good.

He went through his whole speel about being an Ambit Energy Consultant and how he gets free energy and can make all this extra money on the side.

At first it sounded interesting... I'd have to pay $75 upfront, but would get $100 back if me, and two other people I know switched to them as our ESCO. But then there was this thing about a $24.95 monthly fee for a website... which I didn't like.

Anyway, sound very similar to a Pyramid scheme, though since they are actually selling a legitimate product, it's not illegal.

I did a google search, lots of complaints for both the energy company and also from the (former) consultants. But it's hard to read internet reviews... of course with any large company there's going to be lots of reviews, and of course if you're peed off at them you are much more than likely to leave a scathing review anywhere you can than if you had a good experience. And then sometimes you wonder if those people posting the absolutely wonderful reviews aren't actually employees?

Here's my understanding of how it worked:

It didn't seem to me to be just that you go out and recommend their product to people, and you get a bit of $ when they do. I'd be ok with that.

But rather, you get your 2 people to sign up (plus you) for energy, and then get two more people to sign up as consultants under you (and they each have to get 3 people to sign up, and then 2 more people as consultants, and on and on).

I don't think I'm going to do it. The monthly fee is like a big screaming red flag for me.

I was debating on telling the guy I'd at least switch to the ESCO service, but I'm really unsure about that based on reviews.

Anyone have any first hand experience with this company? I'd like to know what feedback you guys have.

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What do you know of Ambit Energy Consultants/Energy Company?

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