lundi 28 novembre 2016

Is there really friction between the FBI and local police, like in the movies?

I know, I know, dumb question. "Hollywood maek movies! Iz Hollywood movies realz?" But I'm curious.

I've seen this a hundred times in cop movies and shows: the local cops get a hot new case in their jurisdiction, but then it turns out to be big enough that the FBI is brought in. Cue resentment and enmity as the FBI "steals" the case from the local cops.

Usually there will be a scene where the local detectives are at the crime scene, then they see men in suits get out of an unmarked car and approach the yellow crime scene tape, and the detectives are like, "Aw, hell. The Feds."

But I'm curious about what the actual attitude is between the FBI and local police. How do real cops typically react when federal agents are brought in and given power over their case? I imagine this would be a relatively rare occurrence, so is it cordial, cooperative? Are cops happy that federal resources are being poured into the investigation? Or is there really a kernel of friction between the local precinct and the big bad government?

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Is there really friction between the FBI and local police, like in the movies?

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