vendredi 25 novembre 2016

Reddit CEO Admits To Editing Pro Trump Posts

I don't know if this has been covered elsewhere or not; if so, I missed it.

The chief executive of Reddit has admitted to changing posts by supporters of Trump on their website.

Steve "Spez" Huffman said he "messed with" the posts for about an hour, and members of the community soon noticed their content had been changed without their consent.

This link is about it:

But what I found even more interesting is that searching in google didn't bring up American news sites covering it; these links are all, or mostly, international sites; Britain, India, Australia, but the US MSM are typically silent.

I've heard that Friday is Unfollow Day, a day in everyone is encouraged to unfollow these lying MSM sources in order to not feed them with clicks, but let them die through withdrawing support and not letting them to set the narrative for discussion.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Reddit CEO Admits To Editing Pro Trump Posts

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