lundi 1 mai 2017

What Are Your MRE Alternatives

Peanut butter is OK for short-term, but not as long term storage because it will go rancid. Use within 6 months. Following is the contents of the emergency food box I keep in vehicle, bailout/man-overboard bag, not perfect solution, but a great starting point to customize your own:

7-day Emergency Ration Box – No "Cooking" Required - Boil Water Only,
Minimum dependence on specialized "survival" or backpacking foods*
By using "common grocery items" to the maximum extent possible.

Planning objective is a "box" which would store well and provide a week's worth of emergency food, requiring minimal preparation, as a short-term measure to stow in the man-overboard or bailout bag of a boat, off-road vehicle or private aircraft. Easy to pack, store and use. Anything you might forage, glean, hunt, fish or trap should supplement this, because the calorie content provided is inadequate for heavy exertion or prolonged exposure to sub-freezing weather.

Intended only as a starting point for planning discussion and comment.
Your mileage and dietary considerations may vary.

Because fat is required to perform numerous bodily functions, in a temperate climate with light exertion based on 2,000 calories/day you want not less than 400 fat calories daily. In below freezing weather with moderate exertion strive for not less than 800 fat calories daily at minimum 2500 calories/day.

1 kg., 5 pkgs. Stockan’s Thick Orkney Oakcakes 25g slice 120 cals/200g pkg., 5 slices/day—600 cals.
Or substitute:
WASA whole grain crispbread 18 slices/pkg. x4 pkgs. 60cals./slice, 10 slices/day----------600 cals.
Peter Pan Natural Peanut Butter, two pounds , 14 servings/lb., 4/day @ 210cals. Ea.----- 840 cals
McCutcheons Grape Jelly, 30 servings / lb. @ 1 tbsp. 18g, 50 cals. 4/day------------------- 200 cals.
Red Feather butter 1 tin, 12 ozs., 24 servings/tin @ 100 cals 3/day------------------------- 300 cals.*
Bega Cheese 1 tin, about 6 servings /tin @ 100 cals. Ea. 1 serving/day---------------------100 cals. *
Sugar cubes, 12 cals./cube (4 cals./gram) @ 150 cubes/lb., 20 cubes/day------------------ 240 cals.
Instant Coffee sachets or tea bags box 40 ct. 4/day +/- ---------------------------------------- 0 cals
Knorr Bouillon cubes 3/day, 24 ct. per bx., @15 cals each--------------------------------------45 cals
Evaporated milk eight 4 oz. tins @ 1/tin/day for tea/coffee, 4 servings @ 40 cals. /oz.----160 cals
Approximate daily caloric intake from emergency rations----------------------------------2485 cals./day

Vitamin supplements also packed not in caloric total.

If allergic to peanut butter, instead stock coconut oil and/or double or triple the butter and cheese rations listed. One tablespoon of coconut oil has about 13.5 grams of total fat. Each gram of fat has 9 calories, you’ll get about 120 calories from a tablespoon of coconut oil. Experiment with your body tolerance to coconut oil. In some people more than 3 tablespoons/day may cause digestive distress.

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What Are Your MRE Alternatives

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