dimanche 30 juillet 2017

Hello from NYC

Hi there everyone. My name is Dan.
It's nice to meet everyone here. I am kind of new to this community so please be patient if I say something incorrect or sound stupid.
My entire goal of coming here is to exchange and learn information with the members of this forum.
To say that information on survivalist topics is needed for a lot more people than we even know is an understatement.
As a kid ever since I moved to America I enjoyed the outdoors and it's power for lack of a better word but at the same time as my childish delusions of safety and security wore off I began to understand that the world was a dangerous uncontrollable place.
Unfortunately I began to contribute to that feeling for the parts of life I could control and I ended up in bad situations and it brought me to the city. For the past year and a half I had not done much to be productive in any meaningful way and wasted my time but now I want to move forward from the past and help my fellow men and women in whatever way I can and I can through providing knowledge and resources on safety, security in their own home and the outdoors while finding purpose in my own life.


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Hello from NYC

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