jeudi 27 juillet 2017

New book by HRC

Bill and Hillary are mainly involved in politics as a brand-building exercise so they can make money in other ways.

They were upper middle class at best when they got to Washington in 1992, now they are worth a combined $100 million, per estimates. Gee, how did that happen?

It is the $100 million (which they'd like to change to $500 million) that they care about, not as much any particular policies.

I am sure Hillary would like to go down in history as as feminist hero for being the first female president, but again, it's more about ego and brand-building than because she actually wanted to do anything in particular as president.

She is surrounded by advisors and assistants who are in tune with these goals and share them.

When you look at the world that way, what do you do, in her shoes?

You go on a blame-game speaking tour and you write a book, and you do TV interviews and you allow people to speculate whether you'll try again in 2020. It is the logical way to keep some revenue flowing in, to preserve some influence that she can peddle and to keep the brand alive.

It's not what they would rather be doing, but they are trying to salvage what they can. They are like a business that spent a lot of money designing a product that got awful reviews, turning around selling it for half price. Half price is better than nothing.

I wouldn't see it as anything deeper than that. It's not some effort to push the leftist agenda. She barely cares about the leftist agenda or any agenda, other than the Clinton influence-peddling agenda.

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New book by HRC

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