lundi 31 juillet 2017

Trouble breathing

I'm not a doctor, I can't help you medically, but I have a question about the onset.
You say this started as a result of choking on water, but is it possible a reaction to something caused you to choke on the water? That the choking didn't start it, but something in your body changed and caused you to choke on the water?
I have a family member who never had food allergies as a child who carries a pen everywhere now because at 35 years old he had a reaction to something he ate.
Is it possible you are reacting to something in your environment or something you are eating that never bothered you before?

Also, want to share a story about an experience my mother had.
She set up an appointment for a physical, and when she was there they drew blood. Afterwards she was concerned because the doctor prescribed a statin drug for her, he said she had high cholesterol numbers. It seemed odd to me, she's thin as a beanpole and doesn't eat "healthy" but she always ate sensibly.
We were discussing it and as we talked I realized she didn't know they were going to test her blood, and she didn't fast before the test. Not only didn't she fast the night before but she ate breakfast before going for her physical.
A lot of people consider statin drugs to be dangerous and over prescribed.

Like I said, I'm no doctor, but I wanted to share those stories with you because it seems you're looking for answers, and if any of that can help you figure things out I'll be glad.
Will pray for you brother

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Trouble breathing

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