mercredi 26 juillet 2017

Obamacare repeal vote failed

Single payer is not that bad... unless you are one of the 47% who pay no federal income taxes. Wait until people get the bill for their new "free healthcare."

Canada taxes 0-50K of income at 15% plus another 6-15% depending on where you live. We'd have to charge a lot more because of our massive non-contributor base as well as those working in the subterranean economy (under the table).

I really wasn't expecting Republicans to come up with a "market driven" solution. There are too many stakeholders involved who do not want competition, tort reform, price transparency, and other measures that will undermine their profits.

And Democrats, as well as the now defined RINOs, want big government solutions so they can reward their constituents with "free stuff" and make-work do-nothing jobs to "manage" the healthcare... like the VA does (before the new firing rules went into effect).

Nobody should be surprised by this outcome... other than Trump who bought the MAGA pipe dream hook, line and sinker... thinking he actually had a team around him in the Republicans.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Obamacare repeal vote failed

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