samedi 29 juillet 2017

Saturday Random Musings: Why the Left Would Win the Next Civil War

The left has already won. Proof... half of the Gruberites voted for a criminal, a liar and a party that has been proven to be anti-American and a complete failure.

The left "owns" K-12, the media, snowflake universities, unions, government jobs, and a nation of victims and malcontents. It took decades to "cultivate" this evil brew but the proof is in the pudding... BLM, Laraza, CAIR, OFA, Move On and other leftist hater groups that are now a key constituency of the Democratic Party... that overshadows and has completely replaced blue collar working Democrats.

They won without firing a single shot... a few flags suffered along with some rioting and looting but the media has smoothed over that. They have used idiocracy to brainwash and diminish voters to the point that most now believe a) they are entitled to things without working, b) it is someone else's fault for their plight, c) the wealthy and whites are responsible for holding down the new underclass, d) violence is necessary to "take what they deserve", e) Big government is the only thing that will help them to overcome capitalism and free markets... even though most have no clue what socialism means.

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Saturday Random Musings: Why the Left Would Win the Next Civil War

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