lundi 16 octobre 2017

Boys being marginalized

Heard this morning that they have made a change to the Thomas the Tank Engine tv show.
Thomas' two best friends have been removed and replaced with two girls in order to make the show both more inclusive of girls and to give it more appeal to the global market.
Fox News said the changes were prompted by, of all groups, the United Nations.

There is so much wrong with this it's hard to know where to begin. The story has existed since 1945, the show has existed since 1984, and the whole package has been wildly popular for many generations. The fact that it's more popular to boys is because of the natural gender differences, boys are more attracted to things like trains and cars and airplanes naturally, not because it was marketed in a way to exclude girls.

Our society doesn't seem capable of lifting one group up without tearing another group down, empowering girls doesn't mean taking from boys. Empowering blacks doesn't mean whites need to be vilified. Looking out for the weaker groups in our society doesn't mean the earners have to be punished in the process, but that's what they do. It is clearly unfair to anyone who looks at it without a bias, it's like a pendulum that swings back and forth and spends no time in the middle. Another example would be the Boy Scouts announcement that girls will be admitted into the Boy Scouts. The excuse is in the higher levels there are more things Boy Scouts are exposed to than Girl Scouts, and rather than introduce programs that are more advanced to the Girl Scouts they force this change on he Boy Scouts. They can't lift one group up without pushing one group down, and that's not a mistake, I can't believe everyone involved is stupid enough to not see that, it's on purpose.

So now boys, and men, are being pushed to the margins by these agents of social reform. Masculinity is being vilified, portrayed as violent, rude, brutal, and I have a problem with that.

Men and women have naturally different roles, and no amount of social engineering can change that.
The most solid relationships I have ever seen have been relationships where a good man is strong and takes care of his wife and kids, and a strong compassionate woman backs that man up. My wife doesn't work, she raises my son and takes care of the house. I work hard to make that possible, and the truth is I couldn't do my part if she didn't do her part. I'm not better, or more valuable, we're a team. I don't wash dishes or do laundry, and she never has to cut the grass, take out the garbage, cut down a tree or replace the brake pads on one of our vehicles. I give her the resources she needs to run our household and she does it well. We understand our gender roles and we fulfill them and we are both equally important in our household.
These people looking to tear men down don't acknowledge real things, like in the Vegas shooting men laid their bodies on top of their wives to protect them, that's not mysogeny, that's chivalry, and there's a huge difference, but they don't acknowledge that. I raise my son to treat a woman right, how to recognize a good woman, and I back up what I teach by how I live my life and treat his mother. I teach him that masculinity isn't a good thing or a bad thing, it's just what he is, and unfortunately I have to teach him that society is looking to make him the bad guy just because of that.

Might seem like a lot to take away from a character change on a children's tv show, but it's not just a change on a children's tv show that's the problem. It's just one more bullet into traditional American society

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Boys being marginalized

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