However, there's one key point that was either overlooked or unknown by The Pigeon, and this that many of these separatist movements aren't nationalist in nature.
Scotland and the recently MSM supported Catalonia are two examples that are far left Marxist, and want to firmly clamp their infantile teeth onto the Globalist nipple.
This youtube response post was spot on:
About regionalism in the EU it is way more complicated than this.
-Most of this mouvements are leftists and very pro EU.
-Very PC.
-very pro immigration.
-wealthier than the rest of the country on average. (Catalonians might be the richest kids around in Spain, but they aren't in France. And, OMG imagine my shock! No serious independance movement there.
-MSM has been supportive of theses guys.
Fishy? Yes, very.
Then you learn about the project of euro-regions. What are these? Literally the project of the EU to become a european federation of regions, rendering the nation-state irrelevant. And replacing it with the EU. The size of a euro-region should be approximatively the size of a german länder (catamonia?). This process is underway, in France they just reorganised the territory in bigger entities fitting the Euro-region prescriptions.
My take on catalonia is as follows.
Catalans (most commie region in 36 btw) are pushed toward independence.
But they go to quickly, and to messy, Spain's central state is more determined than anticipated, a lot of spaniards pick up the old flag.
EU fears gaining catalonia and losing spain they start backing madrid again.
MSM is too dumb to understand this and takes ages to jump out of the independence train.
There you have your 4D chess by tje EU. Don't be fooled BPS, don't be fooled.
Be that as it may, here's the vid, with it's valuable info:
Europe's Coming Fragmentation
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