jeudi 19 octobre 2017

The Masa Experiment

First of all, thanks to contributor "lasers" for the masa and tortilla advice in the "Pickling Nixtamal" post. Especially the corn nuts info.

The tortillas I made today with masa made from white dent corn I grew this summer came out ok. Not ever having had any made from scratch tortillas I really don't know how they compare with correctly made ones.

So I tried making chips out of the masa by pressing a tortilla in the makeshift press I found online (a cut-open ziplock bag and baking dish) and cutting the tortilla into strips to fry.

The first ones were too thick and tough in the center. To get the tortilla thinner I pressed it like the first one and then used a rolling pin to get it thinner. Better. The second batch wasn't done enough and tough in the middle whether eaten warm or cold. Good flavor though, real close to a Frito.

The third batch got fried longer and the fourth longer still. #4 was definitely overdone, verging on a burned flavor. Somewhere between #3 and #4 is the sweet spot but they get done so fast it will be almost impossible to hit it consistantly..

But I did gain some take-aways from the whole experiment:

It's true that fresh tortillas need to be eaten while still warm. The cold ones suck.

Since I don't eat a lot of Mexican food I don't think I want to go to the trouble of trying to make tortillas.

The tortilla chips were passable. I still think they need to be even thinner. But load them with salsa or whatever and wash 'em down with a cold beer and they'll do.

BUT.... The corn nuts I made from the nixtamal before making the masa were great! There will be more of those in my future. I've saved some of the best seed in case I have a spare space for dent corn next year.

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The Masa Experiment

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