jeudi 19 octobre 2017

This is what being a sanctuary state gets you...

What do you get in a county beset by wildfires that have killed dozens, and caused billions in damage?
Arson set by a freaking illegal that was set free by the Sonoma County Sheriff.

This is why we need a damn wall.


...U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tom Homan confirmed on Thursday that a man arrested in connection with setting a fire in Sonoma County Wine Country is an illegal alien from Mexico who has been twice returned to his “home country.”

Homan also confirmed that ICE has issued detainer requests for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez five times now in the past year alone, including the one issued on October 16 in relation to his most recent arrest on suspicion of arson. All of the arrests were made “by Sonoma County on various felony and misdemeanor charges,” according to Homan.

Sonoma County is considered a sanctuary jurisdiction and does not fully cooperate with federal immigration officials. That includes not honoring ICE detainer requests. “ICE was never notified of Mr. Gonzalez’ various releases,” Homan wrote in the statement regarding Gonzalez...

I hope the victims sue the Sonoma Sheriff that let this POS out, and hopefully the DOJ will bring Federal charges.

"We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." Ronald Reagan

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This is what being a sanctuary state gets you...

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