jeudi 18 janvier 2018

Could the country split, if so how?

Well over 600,000 Americans died at the hands of their fellow Americans about 150 years ago. To think it couldn't happen again is misguided.

OP asked how it would happen, what the split would look like? Very generally speaking, were it to happen, I envision a widespread civil conflict that, while bloody and horrendous, would have a lot less structure than The War Between the States. I see more of a rolling, societal breakdown than I do a rigid conflict in which lines are drawn along state boundaries.

I see initial fighting taking place due to political tensions, and I see great potential for racial conflict to come to an armed head. I see then lots and lots of supply chain breakdowns leading to shortages of all sorts, until eventually the opportunists make their presence known, they being the ones who, as the saying goes, just want to see the world burn.

It will be a many-headed beast, and the lack of clearly defined (i.e. North/South, Yankee/rebel) sides will add to the chaos and yes, the killing. Some will get what they've been asking for... some will get what they hoped would never happen... and still others will get the surprise of their lifetime. But few will get away unscathed.

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Could the country split, if so how?

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