lundi 22 janvier 2018

Did you have a mentor when growing up

I did, he was married to a cousin of my mom, his name was Brad, taught me many things, i think he took me under his wing, 1. because my mom and dad divorced when i was 3, and 2. because he had 2 girls and really wanted a son lol.

Taught me how to hunt deer and birds.
Taught me about cattle and horses.
Many other things, but the 2 big takeaways i gleaned from him were this.

Stick up for, or be an advocate for the under not tolerate bullies !

And (his words) "if a man is willing to take the time to teach you something, whether it be how to make a pair of boots or how to make your own whiskey, shut your mouth and listen, never ever stop learning, you may never use what you learn, but there may come a day when you need what you learn."

I look back on those days and truly appreciate him taking time to mentor me.

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Did you have a mentor when growing up

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