jeudi 18 janvier 2018

Question for Othodox (Only) B&SIC


Originally Posted by Old fartView Post
Please... Orthodox B&SIC only...

Other than the Catholic Church, were there any churches that split from the Orthodox Church? Which countries? Why?

When I Google, all I get is the Great Schism and the issue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church in America.

Thank you.

There is only one other family of Churches that split from the Orthodox Church in 451 before the Catholic split with the Great Schism of 1054.

These were the Oriental Orthodox Churches that after the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon in 451 due to the Monophysitism vs. Dyophysitism issue split from the main body of the Church (then Orthodox and Catholics were one).

They called themselves Monophysites.

Later the monophysites liked to be called miaphysites to be more accurate with their believes.
"The miaphysite Oriental Orthodox Churches today include the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church and the Malankara Orthodox Church of India."

HOWEVER, the monophysites/miaphysites Churches in recent years approached the Orthodox Churches and in 1990 they signed together the "1990 Agreement on Christology", basically becoming one in Faith after declaring that their views differs only in a few minor semantically interpretations of the issue and not in the core of the issue. So the Core of the Faith is clean and as such they unite on most issues and all are almost happy now. That led also to great ouverture coming from Catholic Church and if you type in Google "Coptic Francis" you will see recent developments between these two great Churches:
"Pope Francis and the Coptic Orthodox pope, Tawadros II, are pledging they won’t require faithful who switch churches to get re-baptized"

So I will say that now they can be considered as "back in the Church" more than even Catholics are from the point of view of the Orthodox.


Other than that there are the usual squabble between various national churches that have NOTHING TO DO WITH THEOLOGICAL ISSUES but to politics and the nationalistic disease called Phyletism with which some Orthodox Churches are more afflicted than others. Prime example you see in the post above by Batko10.

"Phyletism or ethnophyletism (from Greek ἔθνος ethnos "nation" and φυλετισμός phyletismos "tribalism") is the principle of nationalities applied in the ecclesiastical domain: in other words, the conflation between Church and nation."

The term phyletism from phili (Hellenic: φυλή): race or tribe was coined at the Holy and Great pan-Orthodox Synod that met in Constantinople in 1872. It was declared a heresy as it should be declared by all Christians.

Basically it will tell you that some church members are more interested in nationalistic issues than the church issues. I totally dislike that kind of approach to any issue since the REAL Church DOES NOT REALLY care about nationality. The Church is Universal.

Other quotes on this subject from various important sources:

"The Definition. Phyletism is the name of an ecclesiological heresy which says that the Church can be territorially organized on an ethnic, racial, or cultural basis so that within a given geographic territory, there can exist several Church jurisdictions, directing their pastoral care only to the members of certain ethnic backgrounds etc."

"Want to add a useful word to your vocabulary? The term etho-phyletism (meaning love of the race, tribe or ethnically-defined nation) was coined at the Holy and Great pan-Orthodox pan-Orthodox Synod that met in Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) in 1872."

There are still fighting on the Internet if it is a Heresy or not...some saying it is the "Heresy of nationalism" or even Racism some says it should not be declared a heresy at all. Take your pick. The issue is coming to America and already we see it is not helping much.

In my personal view it is a distasteful issue that dissuade people from the Church of God, period.

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Question for Othodox (Only) B&SIC

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