jeudi 18 janvier 2018

Round three.....S&W Model 10-5 2"

I gotta stay out of old stomping grounds!

Been stopping in at a shop where I used to live over the past month or so. Used to be in there all the time, and we were always good to each other. Bought a bunch of guns in there over the years, and they always took care of me. Looks like Im making up for not being around for the past decade or so.

Third S&W in about as many weeks.

Real nice 2" Model 10-5. Usually go for the RB's with the snubbies, but this kept calling my name. I really dont think it was ever shot by whoever had it before, it was that clean. Barely a drag mark on the cylinder, and Ive only started to wear the blue on the recoil shield with the lock pin.

Put a couple of hundred rounds through it between today and yesterday. Shoots well too.

Found someone who is making a copy of the old Tyler T grips. Got one of them coming. Always preferred the Magna grips with one over most others.

Although, Houge one-piece finger grove type grips are actually better overall and across different guns for shooting. I have them on my other K/L frame snubbies, but the SB versions are too big here, or at least bigger than I like.

Gonna keep these two (got an old 4" too) Model 10's "old school cool".

On a side note, revolver function wise, had a weird tie up that I hadnt encountered before. Got a bit of what looked to be bullet lube, stuck between the frame and yoke, which made the cylinder hard to close, to the point of not closing. At first, I thought it was something under the extractor star, as it felt very similar, and it took me awhile to figure it out. The little piece of crud was barely noticeable, but enough to basically disable the gun until it was cleared. So much for revolver infallibility.

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Round three.....S&W Model 10-5 2"

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