dimanche 14 janvier 2018

SB Double Standard

SB is a board where like minded people come together to discuss various topics. It is not much of a forum because the moderators do not tolerate opposing views very well. If you are going to ban someone for a month, do it because they insulted someone or made a mistake. Being banned for "trolling", "being disruptive" or "being a pain in the ass" are all euphemisms for "we disagree with you."

Not once has a moderator ever said "it might be best if you took your ideas to another forum where people agree with you." What I get here is "we are going to ban you every single time and for longer periods of time if ( you say something we don't like).

I can ignore the people that are the worst insulters, I can work around the difficult people. But I can't escape from being harassed by narrow minded moderators.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

SB Double Standard

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