samedi 31 mars 2018

A Women's Right to Choose (Tree of Life)

Near the end of this outstanding video Cioccolanti opened my eyes to the concept that knowledge of good kills (if not done with God). It is extremely provocative so please forgive the provocative title but I wanted to highlight women (and men) have more than one choice, i.e., we can all choose the tree of life - even after rejecting it!

It is not merely a matter of knowing the difference between good and evil and doing good. It is about not choosing the tree of life. Cioccolanti received revelation, saying page 2 of the Bible sets up the rest of the story and points out the temptations of Christ were to do good, not bad, but to do good without God, or act contrary to the will of God for us to live in a humble and meek manner. Anytime anyone says they receive revelation and it makes sense to me, I pass it on. I hope this makes sense to you too.

Maybe this is obvious to many of you. For me, Cioccolanti really opened my eyes to how us choosing knowledge of good - and acting good (without God) - is the insidious will of Satan, as we set ourselves up to be judges, mini-gods. For instance, one could judge that sacrificing your life for strangers is irrational. Cioccolanti uses a woman in WWII who risked her life and sacrificed her life to save Jews during the holocaust. This was right because "rational" is not our God, God is our God and acting according to His will is right. Hope you enjoy watching this outstanding video.

“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Genesis 3:4-5

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A Women's Right to Choose (Tree of Life)

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