mercredi 28 mars 2018

Who's gonna build that wall??

Our leader is now saying the money will come from the military to build the wall across our southern borders.

Here's how that'll work. The Army Corps of Engineers will have a bunch of engineers and inspectors to monitor Union Contractors to build the wall.

I think that right there is at least one group too many.

Why not have prisoners build the walls?? Let the Corps manage the project (To which they'll charge the government 20% for doing that) and put the prisoners to work while teaching them a trade.

Then we need to look at other prisons in our country and how we can put those guys and gals to work.

We can have prisons do specific tasks such as:

Making Uniforms for Prison workers
Making bedding, mattresses, pillows, and canvas tents for use by prisoners
Teach one prison to operate heavy equipment such as front end loaders, dump trucks, etc..
Another prison can run a concrete or asphalt batch plant.
Several prisons can raise livestock, vegetables, fruits, wheat..
and so on and so on..

Prisoners don't gain anything by lifting weights out in the yard all day. They need to learn a trade. Once they get out with that trade, they could go work with the prison teams as supervisors, foremen, bus drivers, whatever..

If prisoners don't want to work, they can live off Sheriff Joe's diet of baloney sandwiches. No work, No TV, no Weights to lift, no wood shops to make furniture, no sewing shops to make uniforms..

We need to make prisons a place they DO NOT want to be at and never want to go back to.

I just Googled "How many prisoners are in US prisons." The number came back as 2,220,300 as being incarcerated right now. That's one heck of a work force.

Once we get that going, do the same thing for all the homeless people out there. Quit giving them places to live, free handouts, clothing, food, blue tarps. Have them clean the streets, paint over graffiti, pick up trash, build 1 room cabins so they can make decent looking homeless villages. Have a Mayor in each village to make sure things don't get nasty looking.

Maybe I need to write this suggestion to President Trump.

Any thoughts??

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Who's gonna build that wall??

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