vendredi 30 mars 2018

Finding A Co-Script Writer?

I am not much of a reader of fiction, even less a writer, haven't been to the theater since the 90's, but I do watch a lot of old and not so mainstream movies. I have lots of passing ideas for movies but not much beyond short daydreams, until recently... So I started trying to put an idea into an outline, and other than coming up with a few key aspects and possible scenes, I didn't get too far.

As a kid I liked Zombie movies but today they have been so overdone I can hardly watch a trailer without losing interest. I enjoyed the evolution of slow moving "zombie" zombies, from Night of the Living Dead, to Fulci's "Zombie!" to the turbo zombies of 28 Days Later and the remake of Dawn of the Dead yet I lost interest by the time Walking Dead came about and never saw an episode.

All that being said, I have come up with the be-all end-all, most horrifying zombie twist to end all zombie movies. I envision it as being better produced than say a Troma movie but still too graphic to earn an R rating and live up to it's full potential.

Is there a best way to go about finding a trustworthy script writer to collaborate with who can share same vision? I'm not looking for fame (prefer to remain anonymous) or fortune (though money is always nice) but I am confident that the right writer could at the very least have a cult classic on their hands. I cringe at the thought of seeing this movie on the screen, so it must have potential!

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Finding A Co-Script Writer?

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