dimanche 25 mars 2018

Old 6 yr maple syrup cloudy at bottom

I had got a deal on back woods produced maple syrup and bought a number of quarts for $9 per qt. The syrup I'm using was from 2012 and is the lowest grade dark syrup. It was bottled in typical generic quart plastic bottles sold to maple producers. The syrup is clear, but when you get to the last 15 % or so it started to get kind of cloudy and milky.

Every once in a while I open up a bottle with a little mold under the lid and on the syrup under the cap. But that is only 1-2% of the total output over the last 6 years. Have used maybe 70 - 80 bottles of this syrup since 2010 with no cloudy issues...clear to the last drop!

Do you think the cloudy bottom dregs of the bottles is an anomaly? Or does maple start decomposing after a number of years?

Been refrigerating the bottles as I open them now. I used to use a bottle up within a month and never had as problem even with no refrigeration. But the last few 2012 vintages had this cloudy bottom issue.


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Old 6 yr maple syrup cloudy at bottom

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