mardi 27 mars 2018

Best fire extinguishers for various locations?

Hope this is the correct sub-forum. It was between this one and Urban survival.

In any case, I've been trying to increase fire safety around the house. I have a Badger 5lb ABC (standard ammonium phosphate), which is old, but still in the green. I read these were highly corrosive, but the best for all around use. It was in the kitchen, but I decided to relocate it near the laundry area and get something less corrosive for the kitchen.

For the kitchen, I picked up an Amerex Sodium Bicarbonate 2.5lb model. This is just rated for BC, but since most kitchen fires are cooking fires, then I figured it would be good. Please chime in if you think otherwise. My hope is that if there's a stove fire and I have to use it, it won't corrode everything like the standard ABC type.

I also decided I should put a FE in my car, so I picked up an Amerex Purple-K 2.5lb model. From my Google searching and reading car forums, this was the type most people seemed to recommend, except for those people with show cars, who said Halon or Halotron. I mounted it right in front of the passenger seat. It's not really visible when the seat is slid up a bit. Also, after reading more on purple-k vs. sodium bicarb, I think I may have done better to just get a purple-k for the kitchen as well. I tried to find information on which was more corrosive: purple-k or sodium bicarb, but to no avail.

Since I have some nice computer equipment as well as vintage electronics, I picked up an Amerex 5lb Halotron model for the computer room. I tried finding out what kind of damage a cheaper FE (like Sodium Bicarb) might do to electronics, but couldn't find much information. Obviously the ammonium phosphate models would be bad, but as for sodium or potassium (purple-k), there just wasn't a lot of information available.

Being in a 2-story house, I also picked up a fire escape ladder.

So this is where I'm at now with my fire safety. I'm considering a fire blanket, too, but perhaps that's overkill? In any case, I welcome input, critiques on what I could change, etc. Or just tell me I'm being way too OCD and will probably never have a fire and I should have spent all my money on whiskey.

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Best fire extinguishers for various locations?

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