mercredi 28 mars 2018

gun control and the relative weapon lethality lie

A Glock pistol and a Bic lighter: both of these consist of a steel firing mechanism attached to a plastic handle filled with as much firepower as can be fit into it. But the Bic is capable of a much higher death toll, showing those trying to outlaw the other to be liars.

One of the biggest lies of gun control is that getting rid of this or that gun, or even all guns, will make people less able to kill each other, or at least less able to commit mass murder. This lie is easily disproven by pointing out that there is no historic correlation between firearm development and any increase in violence. People have been killing each other since Cain killed Abel. Wherever there was a will, a way was found.

And statistics of ways people are killed back this up. People use the best weapon they can get, which often is a gun, but enough people are killed without one to prove beyond any doubt that a gun is not necessary to kill people.

The lie about mass murder is easily disproven by pointing out that the biggest mass murders have ALL been committed with things other than guns. Examples of this include the arson fire at the Happyland Social Club in NYC in 1990 that killed 87, the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168, and the murder by truck in Nice France that killed 86.

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gun control and the relative weapon lethality lie

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