mercredi 26 décembre 2018

Could the gray man look prove to be a liability in certain urban bug out situations?

Virtually every prepper website will tell you that looking too tactical or too colorful in a bug out situation will almost certainly attract unwanted attention. Wearing neutral colors that allow you to easily blend in with the crowds would be considered sensible attire in an urban bug out situation.

This includes accessories such as shoes, hats, sunglasses, gloves and your backpack. Even if you're wearing the right clothing colors, you could still stand out like a sore thumb if you're wearing tactical gloves, military-style boots and a camouflage backpack.

While I do believe that blending in is the right choice in most situations, I question whether there are certain scenarios where looking dangerous could actually increase your chances of survival. There are people out there who prey on the weak and fear the strong. If they're hungry and desperate they're more likely to target those who don't look like they can defend themselves.

For example, if you're walking through a gang neighborhood after a major catastrophic event has occurred, those people may target anyone and everyone who appears to have food or water. Looking dangerous and authoritative might actually create a sense of fear in some of those people, and even if they do decide to try and rob you they're likely to have less confidence if you look and sound like you know how to defend yourself.

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Could the gray man look prove to be a liability in certain urban bug out situations?

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