samedi 29 décembre 2018

One must forgive to be forgiven - "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven

Alert, you are misunderstanding the Bible. No where in the Bible does God tell lost sinners to forgive others first before they can be forgiven/saved. The Bible is very clear that the only requirement for God's salvation is faith in Jesus Christ as God's Son the Savior who died on the wooden cross and was buried and resurrected (came back to life) for the forgiveness of sin. Anyone who accepts Jesus as the Christ and believes the above is saved from the penalty of sin, spiritual death, eternal punishment in Hell/Lake of fire.

The verse you are referencing was what Jesus told His disciples when they ask Him to show them how to pray. The disciples already believed He was/is God's Son.

For a Christian, one who has already believed and is saved, to be cleansed of sin after he/she was saved, God requires us to confess or admit that we have sinned. When we do, God cleanses us. That is what Jesus was demonstrating when he washed the disciples feet. Forgiving others for sins or trespasses against us is one of the requirements for that cleansing, but not for salvation.

Example: when a person is saved, they are born into God's family. Just like a ne son or daughter is born into a human family. When the new daughter/son disobeys mom/dad there is a broken fellowship. Mom/dad do not kick the child out of the family for the disobedience. When the child confesses or says they are sorry, the fellowship is restored. The relationship of mom/dad to the child is never broken. Same is true with God and a Christian. When the Christian sins, the fellowship is broken. The Christian must confess the sin to God and God promises to cleanse/forgive the Christian of the sin. the fellowship is restored. The relationship of God the Father to the Christian through believing in jesus Christ as the Savior is never broken.

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One must forgive to be forgiven - "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven

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