samedi 29 décembre 2018

"The Long Dark" Game review!

I've been playing "The Long Dark" for the last couple of weeks. This is a very, big game.

You're a Bush Pilot that has crashed in the wilderness in Northern Canada, due to some weird sort of EMP event. No compass! NO maps! You have absolutely NO clue where you're at, and can die the first day, if you don't find:


Finding shelter, and making fire, are your top priorities to start. However, lack of better clothing, food, water, and rest will kill you too.

Your goal is to survive the Canadian winter, for as long as possible.
You only have a small amount of gear with you. You have to scavenge old cabins, and the woods for supplies. You are apparently the ONLY person who's survived this event. There are lots of dead bodies to search for supplies.

The following are all learned skills (there are many more than this):

You have to learn how to make fire.
You have to learn how to repair your clothing.
You have to find MANY things to survive for any amount of time. You have to be really resourceful, and patient.
You have to find a knife, hatchet, and an Enfield rifle, and ammo for hunting.
You learn how to make a survival bow, and arrows, and how to use them, rabbit snares, and how to use them, how to throw stones to stun rabbits.
Sterilize water.
Find decent shelter.
Cook food.
Make fishing gear, and fish.

Wolves will kill you, Bears will kill you, and Moose will stomp you to smithereens and kill you.
You can fall off a cliff and die, you can fall through the ice, and freeze to death. Pretty realistic game, considering you need to survive as long as you can. The game technically doesn't end, until you die. I had a character that lived for 126 days, and fell off a log crossing a ravine, and plummeted to her death. NO DO OVERS! When you're dead, you're dead.
Challenging, even on the "easy" settings! You are literally in the Scandinavian version of HELL, and you must SURVIVE!

It is VERY easy to die in the game! Misuse a resource? You die.
Make the wrong move by accident? You die.
Wrong place, at the wrong time?
You die! You can also be injured, and die a slow, painful death, if you don't make a priority of treating yourself. Not the easiest thing to do.

Lots, and lots of awesome places to explore!

Cool artwork!

Replay value, is equaled only by "The Sims 2/3".

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Worth the purchase price from Steam!

For DECENT game play (medium high, and high settings), recommended set up is:

4thGen i5/i7
HD4600 (Medium High), nVidia GT730m graphics (High settings), and 8gb/RAM.

I can tell you, this is a VERY challenging game to play, and you can't really go about it the same way as you do other games. Requires "Common Sense", just as it would in a real life scenario. This game requires you to think a lot. Try it on "Voyageur" mode to start.

I don't know if there are cheats for this game or not. As far as I can tell, there are not. If you DO find them, do NOT use them!

I won't give any more details, so as not to spoil it for anyone.

The "community" will not really give you too many answers. They don't want to spoil the game for you either. There IS a "Wiki" for this game:

But I recommend trying the game, before you go there.

Check it out!

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"The Long Dark" Game review!

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