mardi 25 décembre 2018

New Libertarian Mystery Novella on Amzn

...the title is The Vigilante Ninja.

One review is already in plus below will give you an idea. If you're a liberal, hard core left winger, or just a flat out non aware zombie, you won't like it. If you're right leaning or Libertarian or a solid thinker, you'll love it. My 10th published book. This one is a novella, 120 pages, but packed with good stuff and a good modern day mystery. . . it's already telling the future as we speak.

Here's the sales pitch regarding the book:

Many people say, oh, this is too negative, I don't want to read that. Well, my friend, if you're in a crowded movie theatre, and the place is on fire and will burn down in 10 minutes, do you want to know about it right away and be one of the first to take action and get out? Or do you not want to know about the negative news, be the last to find out, and keep your head in the sand, ignoring the bad news, and keep watching the pleasant movie? It's your choice. All true and awake Americans that want to know the news and be able to act, must read this book. The people in power don't want you to read this. Take a peek into the future of what could happen and how you must prepare. Survival won't depend on the government helping you out - only YOU can. Follow the lives of seven freedom loving rebels and learn the secrets, including financial, spiritual, and a Fountain of Youth, called the Tibetan Seven, which will extend your life healthily for 20 to 30 years. Who IS the black Ninja that intends to bring down the biggest bubble in the history of the USA; namely the Drugs and Healthcare bubble. Find out how the Powers That Be are conning and killing you and what to do about it. Find out how to spot sociopaths and psychopaths. And how there are more of them in high offices and positions than you think. Learn of: Dr. Humble MD, the gun toting Libertarian. Sarah, the head turning country redneck woman who teaches this Fountain of Youth. Roy, ex-Marine, self made millionaire, teaches Jeet Kune Do, loves his Kentucky bourbon and old muscle cars. Doesn't like scams and big government. Dr. Christy Swan, shoe-in to be the first woman and lesbian President of the US; will she make it? and more. Learn and identify the traits of a zombie; there are at least 60% in the country now. Learn how to beat the so called healthcare and court system. Learn who are the millions of modern day zombies that infiltrate the country and how to spot them. Although this is a mystery fiction novella, some of the contents of this book may save your life and add 10 to 30 years to your life, especially Roy's Rule #4, and show you how to prepare and escape the burning building. If you only read one book this year, read this one.

It's actually the sequel to the sequel to the sequel to The Vigilante Sniper, if anyone remembers that one. Some of the characters in that book have been sleeping, but go active again, yes, including Roy.

Here's the book on Amzn:

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New Libertarian Mystery Novella on Amzn

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