mercredi 26 décembre 2018

I must look pretty stupid

We went to Walmart today to buy soda for work. I had enough time to do some personal shopping, too.

I left my husband up front like I normally do.

After I paid, I came back to him and sat on the bench. It extended about 12 feet to my left. Husband in his wheelchair, to the right. I am right at the edge of the bench.

A woman comes out, pushing a cart. She almost runs it over my foot and then sits down 9 inches away, plenty of room to go off to the left but, no, has to invade my space.

She is white, fairly young (20's), hair has been recently cut, dyed, and permed. Nice outfit, purse, shoes, and nails.

She watches me talking to my husband, for a minute. Then she asks if I have a phone.

I told her, "Sorry, I don't loan it out".

She gaped at me. "But I need to make a phone call"

I told her again, I don't loan it out.

She asks me why. I told her "Because I loaned it to a man and he stole it". [between us, I chased him down and threatened him with a beat down if he didn't give it back, he gave it back - but he would have stolen it had I not chased him]

"I won't steal it". I have had this conversation before, a couple of times, hence my title. I must look like the kind of idiot who just hands her phone over to anyone.

"That's what the guy said" I told her "Before he stole it. I don't loan it out."

This is usually where it ends, but she won't give up.

"But I need to make a call" she whined again.

"That's your problem".

I then turned to my husband, told him we were leaving, put his hand on the shopping cart so he could "follow" it, and left the store. She didn't follow me.

With all the money she spent on her hair, nails, purse, etc. she could have bought at least a dozen disposable phones, if she had a real need. She could have gone to customer service and asked to borrow their phone. She had a lot of choices. People kept walking past us as she talked. She could have asked one of them.

But this happens a LOT, people are always bugging me to use my phone. Now it is a cheap, old (Android 5) phone, but it is my phone. It has my blog, it has other important information I do not want to lose. It could (but I don't for this reason) have my email and banking information. It is in all effects one of my computers. Why would I loan my information out to some random stranger who is SUCH a loser they can't pay a cell bill, or manage their minutes on their government welfare phone?

NO! Hell no!

On one occasion a woman bartered with me, could I dial a number and put it on speaker, while I held the phone? I had no problem with that but this woman put my hackles up, I didn't like her attitude, and it wasn't an emergency.

There is just something about my look that says I am a sucker. I am not sure if it's being with my husband, my brown hair, the glasses, what... but it gets old always telling people no, they can't have my phone.

Thank you for listening.

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I must look pretty stupid

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