jeudi 31 janvier 2019

America will be embracing socialism soon as the people don't see any other alternativ

On another forum they mentioned how people are not having enough kids to replace the population. Well, they can't afford them. America has made it soo hard to raise a kid, college and all. Then you have the crazy medical costs. Kids are for millionaires or illegals.

America will be embracing socialism soon as the people don't see any other alternative. Be honest, with the robots taking the jobs and more and more people ending up homeless, why wouldn't they? They will never get a penny from the reps, so they look to the dems. The reps only support the rich. As a price to pay for handouts, the dems will take their guns and hand out gov cheese.

The reps are really delusional. They say don't tax the rich, they will make more jobs. All the rich do is buy more production in China or invest it in stocks, bonds, RE or whatever.

You know all our illegal problem is due to greedy capitalism. Most profit, cheapest labor = illegals. Same with China and with all out jobs going overseas. The thing that most rich don't understand is they have to go out in the world once in awhile, the world that their greed has destroyed for the vast majority of the population.

In the old days the reason America was America was, there was no China and no illegal problem to speak of. It was All-American production and jobs.

America as we have known it is gone. America has an impressive façade of skyscrapers, but when you start looking beneath the exterior it is a mess. America was built on a Ponzi scheme, a scheme of constant consumption and never ending growth. Sooner or later the Ponzi scheme blows up.

Sure, you will still have successes, rag to riches story in America. But after the robots kill off 40% of the jobs, these Americans will be happy to be able to afford living a closet and being able to buy some dog food to eat...and it will prob me made in China too.

I mentioned medical costs in the beginning. Let me give you an idea of how things have changed in America before healthcare wad a greedy, big biz operation. When I was a kid in the 1960s I cut my hand. I went to the emergency room in L.A. I got 2 stiches. The bill was $20. A lady told me last year she slipped at home, hit her head and cut it. She went to the emergency room. They put in 2 staples, gave her a cat scan and sent her home after 3 hours. They sent her a bill for $7,000.

If we were ants or bees we could be good communists. But self-centered humans can't do it, greed, ego and a natural power hungry inclination to try and control others and keep them under your thumb preclude humans from being good communists. Well, we will have to see how it all turns out.

We saw what the dems gave us for 'socialized medicine' last time around. A heavy fine for not being able to afford exorbitant healthcare costs. The greedy American healthcare system will never want their golden calf killed-off. They can print $$ by creating whatever costs 'they say' are the costs. If you wanted to do socialized medicine you would have to have it exist alongside the greedy American system 'to be American.' But the greedy American system would lose too much $ and won't go for it - they want a monopoly. Plus who would run it??? Our politicians are ALL incompetent.

... maybe we can hire China, Cuba or Mexico to come over and do our medical for .10 on the dollar?

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America will be embracing socialism soon as the people don't see any other alternativ

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