vendredi 25 janvier 2019

Pope Francis is coming to Romania - What is the purpose?


Originally Posted by cat_1978 View Post
Catholics in Romania make up over 4 percent of the population.

Byzantine Rite Catholicism is the religion of 9.4% of the population of Ukraine.

What gives? Also Ukraine might be more interested in this visit at this point in time than Romania. I just don't understand this move other than to spend Vatican trip money for no particular reason.

You present an interesting question. In my opinion, a visit to Ukraine would have negative results from the Vatican's perspective. While you are correct that Uniates comprise 9% of Ukraine's population, they are concentrated in Western Ukraine which is the region that supported Hitler during WW II and is the center of the present day neo-Nazi movement.

The Pope would have to confine his visit to Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and other cities in Western Ukraine. To visit the Central and Eastern Ukraine he would have to get an invitation from the schismatic "Kiev Patriarchate's" union of Ukrainian "Orthodox Churches" as well as pig Poroshenko.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Exarchate of the Moscow Pariarchate is by far still the largest Orthodox Church in Ukraine with over 12,000 parishes and 75% of Orthodox believers despite the Poroshenko government's collusion with Orthodox Christianity's Judas Iscariot, Patriarch Bartholomew, and the newly created schismatic "Kiev Patriarchate's" union of "Orthodox Churches."

For Poroshenko and the newly created schismatic union of "Orthodox Churches" to invite the Pope for a visit would more than likely backfire and further unite the resolve of the Ukrainian people to resist the schismatic political Poroshenko "Church." It would look like the schismatics and Poroshenko's government were currying favor with Rome.

The Pope can go to Romania without causing much of a stir, get a photo op with Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, and make himself look like he is doing something nice for the small minority of Catholics and Uniates in Romania.

There is enough controversy swirling around this Pope without him going to Ukraine and getting caught up in more.

That's just my two kopecks.

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Pope Francis is coming to Romania - What is the purpose?

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