samedi 2 mars 2019

Post-SHTF nuclear radiation (and/or contrast-CT scan) induced damage to the thyroid

The topic of post-SHTF nuclear radiation damage to the thyroid came to mind when I recently experienced contrast-CT scan induced thyroid dysfunction. (Yes, there is such a thing.)

Although not rare, it is not common to acquire iodine contrast-CT scan induced thyroid dysfunction. Unfortunately, it happens often enough that this malady is well-documented in PubMed articles, etc. Most people experience no problems with this scan, but for some reason, some people experience either temporary (up to a year) or permanent thyroid damage. During the scan, several hundred thousand times above the RDA of iodine/iodide is delivered via IV.

Unfortunately, I recently learned that I am probably one of the few to experience negative effects from this type of scan. Labs that were taken an hour or so before an iodine contrast-CT scan which was done in the ER shows that my TSH levels were normal before the scan. Two weeks later, my gastroenterologist happened to run some labs for his records, then called me and told me that my “thyroid levels were very elevated” and a copy of the labs would be sent to my primary care physician. (I wish I would have thought to ask what the levels were, but I will soon find out.)

Out of curiosity, I checked my copy of the ER labs to see what my TSH levels were before the scan...and saw a normal reading of 3.12 (reference range is 0.47 - 4.68 uIU/mL)

I would imagine that my PCP will probably want to prescribe thyroid meds, as suggested by my gastroenterologist(who is not yet aware of my normal lab results from the ER)...

I wonder if thyroid meds this early in the game would impede any chances of natural recovery (assuming that I might be one of the lucky ones to not have permanent damage)?

Has anyone here ever had--or heard of--experience in something like this?

I am not sure of the best way to deal with it. I have not been able to find a protocol for treating this type of thyroid damage. Surely by now, one must exist? My primary care physician may not be experienced in this unusual problem (few are) and has indicated in the past that she does not have time to research anything...which is understandable. Docs are insanely busy people!

Something I learned in my limited research: it was suggested that a regimen of iodine supplements before a contrast-CT scan may reduce the incidence of thyroid damage (arrrgh. hindsight, and all that…).

I have not yet made an appointment because I want to educate myself a little more on this unusual phenomena before walking into her office.

On another note, this experience also begs the question on a somewhat-related SHTF/austere level: I wonder what post-exposure measures could mitigate something like nuclear radiation damage to the thyroid??


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Post-SHTF nuclear radiation (and/or contrast-CT scan) induced damage to the thyroid

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