samedi 2 mars 2019

You have House floor, what would you say?

Let's play a game of "what would you say?" Let's keep this as realistic and practical as possible.

You are invited to stand at the podium of a State of the Union address, and given time to voice your thoughts to the White House, the Senate and Congress. What would you say? What do you want to tell them to change? I will begin with mine.

1-If there has to be a gov't shutdown due to XX, the President, Vice-President, all Senators and all Representatives, along with all their staff, are the only ones to have their paychecks frozen until the shutdown ends. Any other financial freezes are non-payroll, or financial support of the not medicare, medicade, social security, etc

2-Regardless of their party affiliation, or their personal opinions of the President, whomever it is, they are to be respectful to the Office (not getting on tv and degrading the President). Regardless of party affiliation or their voter base that put them into office, now being in office, they are to represent ALL of Americans, not just their constituants. Past Presidents should also restrain from attacking their successor.

3-Follow the Constitution AS written, not twisting it to fit their narrative, or ignoring parts they disagree with.

4-They were voted in to do a job. So do it! Meaning, no trips to special getaways with lobbyists or leaving merely because they do not agree with a pending vote or discussion

5-Speaking of lobbyist, NO LOBBYIST!

6-I cannot believe new freshman representatives are sitting on committee hearings. They need experience of their office first. One year of service before being on any committee.

There are many many more on my list, but this will suffice to start thread.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

You have House floor, what would you say?

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