dimanche 3 mars 2019

Young Woman Vsiting

We have 21 yo twins who come over to work with one of the feral horses. Only one showed up this weekend. My wife is in VA. Nothing weird about it so no comments of a sexual nature please.

Anyway, she goes off to see some old friends but is supposed to be back by midnight. I hardly slept a wink. I was up and checked all night long. She wasn't back. I got worried. I don't think I slept much.

Then I got a text message and noticed I had several previous ones. The last one said she had slept at a friend's house because she was too tired to drive. Knowing she had done a 12 hr EMT/Ambulance shift the night before, I understood that.

What made me laugh was the last text. It said, "I'll be home around 8AM" meaning she was coming back here. Maybe I have two new daughters. The way they eat so much food when here makes me think that.

But I was worried about her. OMG, am I becoming a caring person?

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Young Woman Vsiting

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