lundi 22 juin 2020

2020 Insurrection - a failed coup?

Regulars here are by now all too well aware that the nationwide riots were not spontaneous nor were they organic. They were the coordinated work of forces who are allied with one another, as they communicated using modern technology to target certain areas on certain days and times. The sudden appearance of several pallets with many bricks in city downtowns, far from construction sites, was no coincidence.

Antifa, of course, was involved.

While I see what happened as a planned insurrection aimed at frightening law-abiding citizens, to vilify law enforcement (and to make it shirk its duties resulting thus in an increase in crime, to then place the blame on President Trump because somehow he's responsible because everyone who isn't on his side thinks he's racist), and to strike at American capitalism, I came across a theory.

On the weekend of June 6, the weekend when President Trump held a Bible in front of St. John's Church, a lot happened. Days earlier, leftist activists were all over social media calling for 1 million protesters (rioters, given "protesters" sounds neutral) to storm Washington, D.C.

President Trump was bunkered in the White House.

That same week, the mayor of D.C., who is a Democrat, stood down police and the National Guard. But while this can be expected, the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued odd statements, insinuating they were on the side of the looters and criminals rather than on the side of their boss. They made no references to the chain of command, they spoke about how they could not ".... abide divisiveness and hate...

Frankly, that week, and that weekend especially, as outraged as I was, I actually thought they were going to try to storm the White House. These are things that happen in Third World backwaters. We've all seen footage and photographs of the army of North Vietnam crashing through the gates of the presidential palace of South Vietnam in 1975. We all think it would never happen in America.

Now let's think for a second. There were federal troops around the White House, but the President was bunkering. I have never served in the military but I know the U.S. military is hyper-professional and exceptionally well-equipped and trained. They, and other branches of government, have simulated and trained situations in which the White House is attacked. But that weekend, the troops that were around the White House by the time the photograph of President Trump with a Bible in his hand was taken were not federal troops.

These were troops affiliated with the Department of Justice.

Unless I'm wrong here, it was Attorney-General William Barr who made the decision to get federal troops out and to put DOJ troops/guards in their place, because supposedly the former were more loyal to the Joint Chiefs, but the DOJ troops would act in obedience to the Attorney-General.

If therefore this theory is anywhere near the truth, this means that the riots and looting were far more than underclass individuals engaging in robbery; far more than Antifa and Black Lives Mater exploiting George Floyd's death; it was far more than people who have held anger at being mistreated by cops lashing out.

This was a potential attempt to get Trump out of office through the use of an invading, angry, rioting mob. It was a failed attempt to execute a coup.

As preposterous as this may sound and it could all be tinfoil hat nonsense, given the media and the left and the Democrats began to smear Trump from the day he announced his candidacy, moving to attack him during the campaign, Steele Dossier, Christopher Steele, Russiagate, then Ukrainegate, then even a BLM co-founder, Patrice Cullors, stating on tv days ago that her organization's goal is to get Trump out of office....

I wouldn't rule anything out for these people, because there's no rule they wouldn't break.

(Some say President Trump holding a Bible was a signal to his base - and whatever we think of President Trump, the man is NOT stupid; if this was indeed a coup, he knows very well that it was.)

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2020 Insurrection - a failed coup?

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