Option 2: Biden gets elected. America gets one of its most pitiful one-term presidencies. Leftists push hard for progressivism, elevating of minorities, alienation of white people, and white men in particular. The country loses it's main demographic driving power and turns into a welfare state affirmative action hellhole where only 5% percent of the actual employed people are competent in any way. America turns into South Africa because taking any sort of action would be racist. Sometime during this term, the US begins to collapse and/or enters a civil war.
Both options will likely include mass massacres of white people during the next term. It's possible that Trump will be the more radical scenario, since it's going to drive leftists to madness while alienating and radicalizing whites further. In any case, not much will be done about any BLM violence, and it will likely continue into the next few years. As long as everyone is afraid of being called a racist, minorities will continue to deface property and monuments. Much of the police will likely resign.
How accurate is this and which option is the more accelerationist?
This was from Stormfront, a white supremist site that got it off of Reddit from a group that seemed to be banned. So I don't have a link to the original post on Reddit.*
I guess it is as interesting a prediction as any. But I think if Biden gets elected the dems will put in the black female V.P. and retire senile Biden in short order. And I don't know who is going to massacre all these white people. I guess the white supremists will say the Jews will do it. No matter what the issue, it is the Jews with them.*
If the trend is to make cops personally liable for their work, then I see less policing. We have already seen armed blacks around the burned down Wendy's in Atlanta. They said the police are gone so they are the police. We have seen the Seattle takeover, CHOP. These are all samples of what may be in store for the USA. And none of this addresses the covid mess, loss of jobs and all the disgruntled homeless that it produced.
There is just no telling about any of this. You just have to be ready, have your groups organized and see how things unfold. The dems/ Antifa / BLM are highly organized. They can act in a flash. Not so with the right.
But when they talk accelerationist you have to go back to the New Zealand massacre. Remember that one? They confiscated their AR's in short order.
2020 into 2021
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