lundi 1 juin 2020

Why America will survive and thrive

I was listening to a discussion on the radio today. One of the men was saying he is losing hope in America and if we could survive. He said our cities are burning, our nation is divided like never before and 35-40 million people are out of work and we have trillions in new debt.

I couldn't help but to think and remind myself of what we have already endured as a nation throughout our history.

NEVER forget we survived:

-British troops set fire to the White House and burned it to the ground on August 24, 1814, during the War of 1812 between the United States and England. RESULT: We Survived

-Our nation was torn apart in our bloodiest conflict ever in 1861. Brother against brother at the cost of some 650,000 lives. RESULT: We Survived

-Our President Abe Lincoln was murdered on the evening of April 14, 1865. Shot in the head. RESULT: We Survived

-The United States enters into WW1 on April 6, 1917. Called the great war to end all wars. America loses 110,000 of our young men. RESULT: We Survived

-America experiences "Black Tuesday" October 29, 1929, the market lost $14 billion, making the loss for that week an astounding $30 billion. This was ten times more than the annual federal budget and far more than the U.S. had spent in WWI. Thirty billion dollars would be equivalent to $377,587,032,770.41 today. RESULT: We Survived

-America officially enters World War 2 on December 8, 1941, when all but one member of Congress passed the motion one day after the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. America goes into yet another world war and defeats the Nazi's, the empire of Japan and Italy. RESULT: We Survived

America not only survived all of the above but each time came out stronger than before. We went on the build an amazing interstate highway system, built large cities coast to coast, invented airplanes and if that weren't enough we even put a man on the moon several times and have the highest standard of living than any other nation.

My response to 2020...BRING IT!!!

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Why America will survive and thrive

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