samedi 22 août 2020

Are the Booga Bois, 3%ers, and Oathkeepers Really White Nationalists Extremists?

I'm just looking online at the "narrative" painted of these groups. Hardly anyone talks about the leftists groups (ANTIFA, BLM, NFAC, etc.) as "extremists" and they're wrecking cities across the country.

The "right extremists" (III%ers, OathKeepers, Boogaloo Bois) who show up every once in awhile at pro-2A rallies, pick up the trash afterwards, and stand around, are gun-toting racists, who want civil war.

Am I wrong and these right wing movements are truly racist white nationalists?

I'm trying to get past the fact that as a white male, who thinks the Constitution is worth preserving and fighting for, and owns firearms, that to the left, the media, and the powers that be probably classify me as a racist, extremist, who wants civil war...

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Are the Booga Bois, 3%ers, and Oathkeepers Really White Nationalists Extremists?

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